Itching Skin All Over!

Itching skin all over human body aggrieves the people broadly, constraining them to discover real reason for itching. Everyone affected with itching skin remains much puzzled over how to deal with itching but only in vain as answer seems a far-fetched matter to acquaint. Taking such mental paranoia seriously this article is throwing sufficient light on many different aspects of itching on skin, revealing causes, and the ways to control it.

What is itching?

Also known as pruritus, the itchiness occurring over different parts of skin, actually is a kind of immense discomfort, urging the affected person for scratching or rubbing it for the sake of quick respite that ostensibly brings great pleasure. Scratching over itchy skin is not less than a conviviality enjoyed on skin itching extensively. There is no need to much explain what the itching actually stands for, as almost all of you must have experienced it ever on some specific regions of your body. There is nothing much to be worried about itching provided it occurs over smaller region of any specific parts of body like hands or legs. But its emergence all over the body is to be of serious concern, requiring prompt treatment. Unchecked protraction of itching over human body is a vivid sign of exacerbated condition of itching needing prompt remedial treatment.  

Caused over entire body the itching makes condition of the affected individuals much critical or deplorable as they neither can tolerate extensive itchiness nor can they scratch it for immediate respite. Engaging in scratching-spree of itchy skin looks causes bad impression in society and makes the affected one feel humiliated and abashed. Hand or any exposable part of body, affected with itching, though can be scratched easily for immediate relief, the respite can’t be lasting. In simple words, scratching the itchy skin makes the condition worse-off than hell and it heats up the itchy region of skin. How disgusting and humiliating it happens to be can be fathomed only after encountering such condition in the presence of friends or guests.

Does scratching provide relief?

Answer of this question can’t be straightforward. Be it by finger or any object, the scratching, though has got to bring faster respite from itching, it instigates the itchiness, exhorting the person to scratch more vigorously on the same region. Effect of such randomized scratching heats up the itchy region and triggers severe inflammation, embarrassing the person extensively. But what about itching over entire body! Can you deal with such type of itching, emerging all over the body of yours simultaneously? Would scratching be effective enough to help you get rid of yours uncontrollable itching, caused on skin of different region of your body. I don’t think so. And this is what calls you for finding out a best and lasting solution of itching. Keep uppermost in your mind a fact that scratching on itchy skin through provides faster relief it intensifies itching as well encouraging the person to get engaged in scratching more vigorously which results into a burning sensation. Scratching itchy region of skin provides temporary relief but for a few seconds or minutes only. Within a few minutes of scratching the skin becomes inflamed and there accrues another complication, that is unbearable burning sensation. The itching-skin scratched with fingernails turns red in coloration and swells as well.

Causes of Itching Skin

There are different conditions causing itches on the skin of different parts of body. It is an exacerbating effect of itching that protracts itchiness all over the human body, perplexing the affected ones extensively. Itching may either be on some specific parts or all over the body of person. Antihistamine and anti-allergic drugs are the only solution of itching skin controlling itchiness of different parts of body.

Also known as pruritus the itching skin can also be described as unpleasant sensation, urging the affected person to scratch itchy region either with finger or whatever his or hand goes on. It can either be localized or protracted all over the body, embarrassing the affected one vigorously. Rashes on skin substantiate the emergence of pruritus or itching skin. If itching occurs without rashes it is supposed to be a complex kind of itching on skin. Let’s have a look at the the causes of itching, affecting a maximum numbers of the individuals in the world.

Allergy- Allergic foods or clothing also causes itching over skin.

Perspiration caused due to hot climatic temperature.
Side effects of medicines such as vicodin (acetaminophen/hydrocodone), morphine, plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine), aspirin, NSAIDs and codeineBacterial infection.

Parasitic infections of intestine.

Deficiency of iron (anemia).
Kidney disease.
Dormant function of thyroid.
Chronic urticaria (hives).

Regions to Be Affected with Itching & Its Causes

The pruritus, though may affect skin of different parts of body, the condition may differ. As itching may occur all over body some specific regions are susceptible to it. Following are the itching conditions affecting specific regions of human body.

Scalp itching- Itching on scalp may be due either to dandruff, head lice, psoriasis, or contact dermatitis.

Eyelids itching- Itching on this part may be due to contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis and allergic conjunctivitis.

Nasal itching- It happens due to allergic rhinitis.

Ears itching- Allergic rhinitis, contact dermatitis and otitis externa (swimmer’s ear) may be cause of itching on ears.

Torso itching- Affecting especially the chest, breast, abdomen and back, the itching on torso also is caused due to contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, scabies infection, psoriasis and folliculitis. Hands skin inflammation or hands itching-Atopic dermatitis is a condition influencing such part of body with gentle or extensive itching. End of elbow is much susceptible to itching.

Spongiotic dermatitis- It also is the itchy condition of skin, rendering the affected region grayish in coloration, and embarrassing the individual with unbearable itching. 

Facial eczema- It is another itchy condition of skin, affecting the face with itching. The facial skin turns red in appearance, spoiling overall look of the person.

Dry skin (xerosis) – It is another typical condition, causing itchiness or pruritus syndromes over different regions of skin.

Legs itching- Caused by psoriasis and dermatitis herpetiformis, some specific parts of legs such as toes, calf muscles, knees and the ankles are affected with itching. 

Hands itching- Atopic dermatitis, pompholox (dyshidrotic eczema), tinea (ringworm) and scabies are the causes of itching affecting such part of body.

Groin and armpits itching– Tinea (aka jock itch), scabies and yeast infection are the main causes of such type of itching. 

Anus itching- Sole condition, responsible for itching over such region, is pruritus ani, caused by intestinal infection.

Preventive Measures for Itching on Skin

Do not scratch – If itching seems to be unbearable you should mildly scratch the itchy region with any object like comb, but beware of using your fingernails. Fingernails instigate the itching.

Avoid perspiration- 
You should avoid living in hot climate.
Do not use allergic clothes. Avoid synthetic or nylon attire.
Avoid medicines causing side-effects in the form of allergies.

Treatment of Itching or Pruritus

One of the best treatments of itching syndrome of pruritus is fixing the condition. There are varieties of oral and topical treatments for itching, available in the form of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Cetirizine is one of them providing prompt relief from itching and burning sensation, caused due to scratching, while application of anti-itching creams subdues quick respite from burning sensation with its cooling effect. A combination of oral and topical anti-itching medicines removes burning sensation from itchy skin and provides faster relief from pruritus syndrome. If itching on skin emerges all over your body, you should have the antihistamines rather than scratching the itchy region with your finger.

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