Getting your keyword research right

Keywords are at the heart of search engine optimization services. The keywords should be seen as the vehicle upon which your campaign drives and inbound links are the fuel you put into that vehicle. The level of success you achieve will be influenced by the phrases you target.

Keyword research can either be overdone or underdone. However, with using good SEO services will ensure you work to an effective process achieving better results.

1. Fundamental keywords:

You need to start somewhere so choose a small list of phrases that describe the service, product or website that you offer. You can check the listing descriptions to see how the search engines view you to begin with. Whether you look at rankings using a manual process or you use a ranking tool you’ll get a great snapshot of possible opportunities. Add these to your list.

2. Expanding your keyword selection:

In Google Adwords you can use the keyword tool to continue your research. Search volume is not the only factor you should be using to select keywords but it does have an important role to play. You can use Google Adwords to seek out those keyword trophies so make it your business to understand how this tool works.

3. Keyword filtering:

By now you’ll have an extensive list. Once you start eliminating keywords from the list you need to pose some questions to help your selection. Think about how quickly you would like to rank. Are there groups of keywords that support each other well? Which ones are likely to generate the most money for the website?

You can get the best answers to your questions when you approach it systematically. If you have client they are the best person to talk to. They know what makes them money and their viewpoint could change the whole emphasis of your keyword selection.

You can also bring together groups of keywords that are similar and therefore support each other. They may be used on one specific page. This way you can spread the link building value and the effectiveness of your webpage optimization. It also keeps content looking natural rather than contrived.

Also take a good look at the competition. Your keywords need to have smaller competitor rather than the market leaders. Look at the top five competitors for each of your prime keywords. Then look at their link portfolio. Where do their links come from? How high is their authority? Those with high levels of authority will take time to usurp.

4. Selecting your keywords:

To sense check your selection look at the keyword trends. This will give you a good representation of demand for a keyword. It’s a good way of doing some quality assurance.

5. Mapping your keywords:

At the back of your mind will be link building opportunities. You are choosing keywords for this purpose. Deciding where these keywords will point to is just as important as the selection. You can do this mapping as you go along or at the end of the process. There may be a need to build new pages as the existing ones are insufficient to represent your keyword cluster.

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